Georgetown MSB Global Experience Shanghai 2011 – Free MBA Consultants

The Georgetown School of Business is running a program designed to give its MBAs real experience consulting in China. They are looking for companies and organizations in China to give them consulting projects, which they will work on from October to March 2011 at no cost. This is the second year the alumni club has been involved with this.

We believe this is a tremendous opportunity, and we strongly encourage all alumni and friends of alumni to contact the faculty leaders, Professor Pietra Rivoli and Elaine Romanelli. Here are the details:

7th Annual MBA Global Experience Shanghai: 2011

Professor Pietra Rivoli: (202) 687-3775
Professor Elaine Romanelli: (202) 687-4188

The Georgetown University School of Business is committed to promoting learning and leadership in international business. Such education cannot be done from afar; students must experience first-hand the challenges of doing business both across national borders and within other countries. Georgetown’s International Residencies provide such experiences for students in our MBA programs.

For this Experience, we seek consulting projects from companies or organizations that have interests in China. Projects can focus on market and industry analysis, financial valuation, production and operations, social issues, or any specific functional or management issue that confronts the leadership of the sponsoring organization. Since 2003, we have served more than 70 client companies and organizations with interests in China.
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Hoyas in Greater China Internship Program

Georgetown LogoGeorgetown alumni clubs in Greater China are creating a pilot program called the “Hoyas in Greater China Internship Program“. This is an experimental program to give Georgetown students the chance to do summer internships in Greater China. If you are interested in getting a Georgetown student for a 10-week summer internship, please send us a reply (gtownchina at with the following information:

– – – – – –
Description of internship position:
Description of ideal candidate (eg major, graduation year, skills & qualifications):
Experience and benefits that intern can expect to receive for their time spent:
Possibility of internship extension beyond standard 10 weeks (June 7th –Aug 13th) ?: Yes / No

Name of organization:
Description of industry:
Contact person:
Email address:
Phone number:
Name of Georgetown alumni contact:

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This program is being run on a Greater China basis, which means that internships will be offered through Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Present Georgetown students will be contacted through a variety of methods, including emails to Chinese majors, Chinese classes, the career center, as well as China-related student clubs.

For alumni employers, this should be a great way to find great talent, as well as contribute to Georgetown.

Proposed Schedule
1. Internship submissions by alumni – Now to December 2009
2. Georgetown student applications – January to March 2010
3. Student internships – June 7th to August 13th

Given that this is pilot program, please let us know if you are interested. We will work with you to get this done.

Application form:

Call for Alumni Interviewers

We wanted to make a call out to our alumni in Shanghai to sign up for the the Alumni Admissions Program (AAP). The AAP is a world wide alumni volunteer organization that conducts the interview process for first year and transfer applicants to Georgetown University. Georgetown is among the few schools in the nation to require an admissions interview, and the AAP membership in Shanghai needs help.

We’re asking our alumni in Shanghai to please sign up — you’ll be making a difference for potential students and the university. Interviews are assigned between September and March.

Sign up to help Georgetown interview students

Feel free to contact us through email if you have any questions or suggestions at gtownchina at gmail.

Georgetown School of Business: MBAs Seeking China Consulting Projects (no cost!)

Dear Georgetown alumni and friends of alumni,PICT0095_f
The Georgetown School of Business is running a program designed to give its MBAs real experience for consulting in China. They are looking for companies and organizations in China to give them consulting projects, which they will work on from October to March 2010. They will do this for free.

This is a tremendous opportunity, and we strongly encourage all alumni and friends of alumni to contact the faculty leaders: Professor Pietra Rivoli and Elaine Romanelli.

The details are below.


MBA Global Experience 2010

Georgetown University McDonough School of Business
Shanghai, PRC

Faculty Leaders:

  • Professor Pietra Rivoli (202) 687-3775
  • Professor Elaine Romanelli (202) 687-4188
  • Program Assistants:

  • Lindsey Waldrop
  • Anika DeVolder
  • – – – – – – – –
    The Georgetown University School of Business is committed to promoting learning and leadership in international business. We believe that such education cannot be done from afar; students must experience first-hand the challenges of doing business both across national borders and within other countries. Georgetown’s International Residencies provide such experiences for students in all of our MBA programs.

    For this Experience, we seek consulting projects from either small or large companies or organizations, located in the US or anywhere else in the world, which have interests in China. Projects can focus on market and industry analysis, financial valuation, production and operations, social issues, or any specific functional or management issue that confronts management of the sponsoring organization. Since 2003, we have served more than 50 client companies and organizations with interests in China.

    We offer to sponsoring organizations teams of 5-6 second year MBA students who are closely supervised by full-time Georgetown faculty. Projects will be assigned to students in October 2009. The teams will work from Washington DC between October and February, and projects will be completed on location in Shanghai in early March 2010. Typically, the teams will provide a presentation and final report to their clients in or near Shanghai or Washington in early March 2010, though other arrangements are possible. There are no costs to the client companies.

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